
Youth, celebrate it

"Love alot but don't fall in love. Forever is later so live in the now. Party a lot but enjoy the sober moments more. Try everything but don't repeat. And never forget to laugh away the pain."

except for the partying, i can agree with the whole statement. so, what's on your mind?


Nurul Intan said...

fall in love now and hope it lasts forever. party as much as u want but dont get drunk. learn from mistake and enjoy good good. eid mubarak is coming.


ibalpangi said...

yeah, good food always come with happiness. and welcome back to my blog :) yeah!

Nurul Intan said...

alahai. good good pulak. haha.


ibalpangi said...

GOOD GOOD, jenama makanan kucing terbaru. dapatkannya hari ini :DD

Anonymous said...

jenama makanan kucing? seriously?

ibalpangi said...

iya, kalu jumpe jgn segan utk cuba.. miau2

ibalpangi said...

u knw i lied. and pls update ur blog,
im bored, i need something to read