
indie's can never turn to metal's

as you can see i have not been writing frequently, lately because tonnes of assignments had to be done and also lots of short naps. played tennis till my skin burns, literally burn. ever seen a black holes or moles that are dark as nights? i can save more pennies or need to, because i still haven't found ms. right ahhaaha to call her all nights and also because all the SALES recently are sucking all my ringgits. looking forward for tomorrow to end, all the last minutes peek at notes makes us grow pimples and eye bags. and also looking forward for this half semester to end, Singapore you wait for me baby ill rock you. Kl last 2 week ago are not so bad and something does makes us happy, yep other than the shopping's. for this 2 weeks off ill promise you my friend, getting along and going out with will be F.U.N


Nurul Intan said...

pandai budak ini buat pantun dua kerat

meh la datang ipoh

ibalpangi said...

esokesok i dtg ah haha